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Fostering Social Justice in Pre-Service Teacher Education: A Path Towards Inclusivity

31 Aug 2023


mins to learn this perspective

- Umesh Bedkute, Research Associate

In contemporary times, the principle of social justice has emerged guiding force within the discourse of education. As societies are becoming increasingly interconnected, diverse, and aware of systemic inequalities globally, the role of the teacher is beyond mere instruction; it encompasses the molding of minds, the nurturing of perspectives, and the cultivation of values. The pivotal role of teachers in shaping a just, equitable society has gained heightened importance. Being one of the most highly diverse countries in the world, India has a long history of social injustices that are deeply rooted in gender disparities, caste hierarchies, class divides, linguistic distinctions, and religious delineations.

Teachers hold key positions in any society as responsible persons to cultivate engaged citizens. Teachers being part of the same cultural communities may knowingly or unknowingly reproduce the prejudices and biases in students. To check this reproduction of social evils and to make teachers challenge their biases and prejudices, the need for social justice in pre-service teacher education is pronounced. (Westheimer & Suurtamm, 2009; Zeichner, 2006).

Despite hindered challenges and socio-structural obstacles in implementing social justice in pre-service teacher education, It is essential to integrate principal of social justice in pre-service teacher education. Resistance to change, deeply ingrained biases, and a lack of awareness hinder progress. It is essential that these pre-service training programs provide a supportive environment for teachers to confront these challenges, engage in meaningful dialogue, and evolve as agents of change.

Therefore, understanding a comprehensiveness of the multi-dimensionality that constitutes social justice, insights on the relevance of social justice within the Indian context, and a dedicated exploration of its integration into pre-service teacher education is an important initiative

The Multi-Dimensionality of Social Justice

Social justice is a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses fairness, equal rights, and the elimination of discrimination and disparities. It encompasses economic, political, cultural, and educational aspects, aiming to create a society where every individual's rights are respected and upheld, regardless of their background or identity (Fraser, 2008). Social justice extends beyond merely addressing overt inequalities; it involves understanding the structural roots of injustice and working towards systemic change.

The Indian Context: Need for Social Justice in Pre-Service Education

India's socio-cultural context is diverse threads of languages, religions, castes, and ethnicities. This diversity, while a source of strength, has also posed challenges in the form of deeply rooted social hierarchies, caste-based discrimination, gender inequalities, and economic disparities. These historical inequities have left lasting imprints on society, manifesting in various ways, including access to education and opportunities. Despite concerted efforts to break down these barriers, they persist, often seeping into the very systems meant to promote progress and equality.
